Wednesday, April 16, 2008


We had a great Easter. We celebrated on Saturday and what a perfect day for our easter egg hunt! In addition to the excitement of the hidden eggs, we had a oven fire while I was cooking Easter dinner. Thankfully Uncle Stu was here because Sean and I froze. Stu reached through the flames and saved the ham and potatoes! Then he threw baking soda on the flames and it went out. In the meanwhile, sis (who had just learned about 911 the Wednesday prior) was telling us we should call the fire department and they would come and spray water in our kitchen. We are so proud of her!

Speaking of pride, I love my brother!

And we love this guy too!

Little peanut falling asleep during the hunt.

We had 3 golden eggs this year and probably 30+ other eggs hidden. Sean and Stu did an awesome job hiding them all over the yard.


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