Sunday, July 23, 2006

Give two little girls a long hallway and a bunch of balloons and this is how much fun they will have!

I hope this is okay that I brag but everyone comments on our lovely locks. We are very blessed. I don't do anything to her hair except brush it straight right out of the bath. May she be blessed with these locks all of her life.

"Are you awake?"

The family at my cousin's bridal shower.

Check out this cake. The lady that is Bill Gates Sr. baker made this cake for my cousin. Pretty impressive and delicious!

Okay, please notice my gift which was a CROCKPOT! What was I thinking? My cousin had to travel back to Las Vegas with a CROCKPOT in her suitcase. Everyone else at the shower gave cute little things and I had to give a CROCKPOT! O well, one for the memory book. Love you cousin!

L and her new 2nd cousin by marriage. They had a great time playing together and Kiarra is a super sweetie. We are happy to be a part of their family.

Trying to beat the heat! Our whole family loves the water.

So many pictures to post!

My bro graduating from high school. Great job Bradley. We love you more then you can ever, ever imagine.

Phia's birthday party. Please notice the beating their half of the cake took!

Lovely Phia.

Best of buds!

Sean and E taking some steps.

L chillin at Gym class.

Our two girls.

L waiting for mamie. I don't know if Mamie was coming to visit this day but L was going to wait anyway.

Tay Tay on July 4th.

Jada and L at the family picnic. What beauties!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Love Love Love Windfall

Have I mentioned that I love this new tv show Windfall? I love it, I love it!