Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We made matching teddy bears for both kids. She had an amazing time with the build a bear process. What kid wouldn't! Anyway, hopefully little guy treasures this teddy as much as we treasure the memory of making them.

Our second Storm game. It was a disaster but at least we can say that we tried to attend. L and I were in the car headed home by 7:19. The game started at 7:00. I think big crowds, loud noises and Seattle freak my kid out. Sounds just like her mom!

Petting her "babies" at the zoo. She kept saying "Hey baby, come here baby." Of all the times we have been to the zoo, we have never let her touch or feed them before so she enjoyed this new experience.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

An attempt at a family picture at a recent picnic outing.

Making silly faces with their ice cream.

We look at this big mountain and dream of moving home. Someday.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Some new pictures

Family reunion with four little ones almost the same age. They were pretending to be sleeping jack in the boxes.

Sarah is still sleeping!

Saturday evening we spent the late night at Children's Hospital. She did a face plant into the corner of an open bedroom door. The gash in her lip was so deep that even conservative dad agreed with over-reacting mom that someone else should take a look. By the grace of God, her lip was healing by the time we drove into the hospital and is looking much better today. No stitches were needed and they just sent us home with directions to ice it and put ointment on it each day. We are just praying for no scarring.

Lastly, for those of you who don't know the sex of our baby, you do now! His room is blue. :) We couldn't be more thrilled and have decided on a football theme. Sean is thrilled that he gets to keep most of his Seahawks stuff somewhere in the house. We have such a handy painting crew in this house. No actually the room has been and is still a disaster. We have painted three coats of this dark blue and there are still light and dark streaks across the walls. Papa is coming on Sunday to relieve us and show off his painting skills he learned during his Navy days.