Tuesday, September 19, 2006

First day of preschool!

L saying "Come on Mom, hurry to take this picture so I can go to school!"

We have been talking about school forever it seems! She did awesome, in fact, she was so thrilled to be at school I think I could have left her in the room and she would have been fine without me. That is HUGE for us. The teacher is great, the classroom is awesome! I can't wait to see what this year brings for her (and mine) development.

Her favorite thing to do, STAMPERS!

Def Leppard

Forgive us in advance! Sean went to the Def Leppard concert in hopes to photograph as many mullets as possible. Just kidding. He really did have a great time and asked me to come along next time. I think I would have enjoyed their opening act Journey and a few Def Leppard songs, however, I think it is better he went with a buddy.