Thursday, January 18, 2007


I need a new vacuum, does anyone have a vacuum that they adore and want to recommend? Weird, I know but clean floors are so important to us. :)

My twins (Our Twins that is!!)

I have always wanted twins, most people looked at me with crazy eyes as if they didn't hear me correctly. :) Yet, I have always, always wanted them. I just never knew that I would get them in L and J. They have really become great friends and so have I with J's real mommy. I love you Heather.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Happy New Year

My hubby's a race car fan. Happy Birthday Babe. You're awesome and we are thankful you are our guy.

Our girl in pink. Almost always in a dress, hat or with something a princess on it and pushing a doll in a stroller or shopping cart. We love it!

I guess we should have bought this bed from Ikea. Obviously she adores it.

Natural bowler, takes after our Granny or Sean. I think Sean took bowling as a class in college. :)

For my birthday, mother nature sent tons of snow. It has been awesome. We have really enjoyed sledding, running around in the snow and having an excuse to bundle up and stay home!

Sean and L making snow angels. L was very leery of the snow angel art and thought dad was a bit off his rocker (stab at his recent birthday!!) but eventually laid down in the snow to make one.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Looking for a preschool?

Anyone looking for a preschool? We attend a great one and they are trying to get enough people to start a Thursday class from 9:30-11:30. Email me or post a comment and I'll fill you in.....