Turning 30
I am usually not excited about my birthdays, primarily because I really honestly am not comfortable being in any sort of spot light. This year however I am excited. I am not sure why but I feel like I am reaching a milestone. For me, ages 16, 18, 21, 25 were fun but I am beginning to feel comfortable with who I am and I wonder if that is because of this magical number of 30. When I look at my children, I still have a hard time with the reality that these kids are mine and I am mature enough to raise them. :) Along that same note, I also think that I could kick it with those high school kids at the store or at church. Yeah right!
Sean did so good for my birthday! He had diamond earrings shipped over to Sarah's house! As soon as I get my camera back from Sean's vacation to Lambo field, I'll post pictures of the cuties.