Friday, December 28, 2007

Turning 30

I am usually not excited about my birthdays, primarily because I really honestly am not comfortable being in any sort of spot light. This year however I am excited. I am not sure why but I feel like I am reaching a milestone. For me, ages 16, 18, 21, 25 were fun but I am beginning to feel comfortable with who I am and I wonder if that is because of this magical number of 30. When I look at my children, I still have a hard time with the reality that these kids are mine and I am mature enough to raise them. :) Along that same note, I also think that I could kick it with those high school kids at the store or at church. Yeah right!

Sean did so good for my birthday! He had diamond earrings shipped over to Sarah's house! As soon as I get my camera back from Sean's vacation to Lambo field, I'll post pictures of the cuties.

Diamond Earrings....

Diamond earrings: If you could choose, which would you choose? Princess cut or rounds?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Honoring Marilee

Marilee passed a recipe down which I would like to share. We have made it a tradition to make these on Marilee's birthday. They are called Runzas and they were completely her specialty!


1 package Hot Roll Mix
2 cups chopped cabbage
1 diced onion
1 pound ground beef or sausage (truly whatever meat you would prefer)
Salt and pepper to taste

Mix the hot roll mix according to package instructions and let rise for 30 minutes
Cook the beef or sausage
Cook the cabbage and onion together
Mix meat and vegetable mixtures together

Roll out pieces of dough the size of an egg and fill with meat mixture. Seal shut (think calzone)and bake at 350 until brown.

Brushing our teeth

Kids say the darnest things! I could post a funny dialog between sister and I everyday.

Our routine is to brush our teeth together. She has a turn to brush her own while I am doing mine and then I finish the routine by brushing hers a second time. No offense to my great, fantastic husband, but I usually prefer to brush her teeth because I'm in the NO cavity club with our dentist!! Tooting my own horn, sorry! while brushing our teeth, I commented on how beautiful her teeth were and I said....

Who takes care of your teeth?
She said I do.
I said Who else?
She said God
I said Who else?
She said Jesus
I said Who else?
She said Daddy
I said Who else?
Finally! She said Mommy!!!

I love, love her!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Christmas for us came early with my mom visiting last week. Little one has wanted this silly Dora doll since she saw it in one of her catalogs. She screamed with delighted when she discovered what it was!

After hours of photography, yes I said that I would leave it up to a professional, this is what we came up with. I haven't had the energy or courage, mainly courage to brave the professionals! I am however pleased with the cutie picture of them.
Thank you so much Karen for offering to take our pictures. I may take you up on it for the next go round!

And this is his first Christmas outfit. Very cute little santa suit.
As far as an update for our family, the kids and Sean are all sick. Talking with the others in my life, this seems to be the same story for every household this year. Please however pray for the kids to get over these illnesses soon. Sister isn't napping well because her cough wakes her up. Little guy breathing is so raspy that I am frightened at times. Despite this congestion, they both are in very kind spirits which delights me! I would be going more crazy if they were cranky along with the diaper changes, nose suctioning, constantly looking for the kleenex box and hunger strikes that we have experienced in the last 2 weeks.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Can you tell which child is which? My babies wearing the same outfit each at two months of age